Life Update// Where I’ve Been

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Hi, I'm Tanya!

Hey guys, I’m back! I know it’s been a while since I last published a blog post. I can blame it on school, work, volunteering and so many other things but truthfully I just didn’t have the motivation to do anything blog related. I lost all motivation. Now that I’m practicing social distancing, I decided to use the time that I usually don’t have wisely to create more content.

 Let me be real with you, there were days when I would force myself to write a post or shoot content, but it just never happened. Although I haven’t posted in a while, the last couple of weeks, I began finding inspiration. My recent trip home to Antigua has motivated me and given me the energy mentally and emotionally. Now I’m not perfect, to be completely honest, I still have my moments, but I keep it pushing. 

But before we resume the regular content, I want to share with you a little life update with why I haven’t been uploading and where I’ve been these last few weeks. 

I Went Home To Antigua

As you guys know by now, my long term goal is to have my non-profit organization. Part of me working towards that goal is by donating items to those in the vulnerable population. As a public health student, I have a keen interest in maternal, child, and adolescent health. It is my mission to ensure that women and children have access to the basic essentials that will help to improve their health. My trip home was not all work; of course, I had a little fun. I was able to spend time with my family and see some of my friends. Obviously, because of COVID19, we only got to do so much. This little getaway home was what I needed. Now I’m daydreaming about the next trip home.ย 

view overlooking Nelson’s Dockyard, Antigua

I Fell Into A Comparison Trap

Let me say it’s funny how quickly comparison can crush your confidence. All of a sudden, self-doubt creeps in, and you start questioning your worth. It makes you start to think that you should do more and be better.

It is easy to get caught up in this era of social media. You may see someone doing something you’ve always wanted to do or see someone excelling in the things you’re doing. Instead of looking at everyone, I followed on social media for inspiration like I usually do, I started to feel overwhelmed. I got a bit discouraged by their success or how pretty their feed was. Everyone seemed to be doing good and was successful at what they do while I was feeling stuck and lost.

To be honest with you, comparing myself to others as well as having self-limiting beliefs and the need to be perfect made me procrastinate a lot and have held me back from doing the things I set out to do when it comes to my blog. I became obsessed with focusing on the metrics and growing this social media count, and I began to shift from my why. I started my blog to inspire and empower you to embrace your uniqueness, yet here I was straying from that. We are living in a world that values hustle and the work-hard mentality, and nothing is wrong with that. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s how important it is to slow down and to make the most of our time.

Find inspiration, do not compare yourself to others because, at the end of the day, everyone’s journey is not the same. I had to check myself, and I also did a little self-reflection. 

Anyways, having said all that, my friends I am back and with a much different mindset. I told myself I’m going back to the basics. I’m going back to why I started this blog, and the goal is to inspire and empower you. I have some posts lined up, and I’ll do my best to be more consistent and show up for you guys. You can expect to see more of my school life more particularly my Grad school journey cause your girl is about to graduate in a few weeks and more lifestyle content. I’m also thinking of adding more Public Health related content, which at this time I’m sure you guys would appreciate and also focus a bit on wellness. I am going to share more of myself, let you guys in some more so that you get to know me more, and can grow our community.ย 

It feels good to be back. Until the next post!

Xo, Tanya

Comments +

  1. I get where you’re coming from. This has happened to me too which is why i decided to step away from it all for a while. And focus on other things. Social media has its pros and cons, it makes yiu feel as if you’re not doing anything g right at times and you ponder how did other get where they are. But what we need to do is find our own aesthetic and do things our way and not how others do things. And always remember why you started i realize when i focus on me and what I’m doing and not on views and stats, thingd improve more and more opportunities come than when paying attention to every detail.

  2. TishaM says:

    Comparison is an easy trap to fall into, but always remember that we love you for you! When I start to feel that way, I always step back and take a break, when Iโ€™m ready, I reflect, and if there is room for improvement, I try and make it. Emphasis on the word try, because you donโ€™t owe yourself or anybody else perfection! Glad to have you back sis!๐Ÿ’™

    • You are so right sis. I appreciate you. I find that stepping away and reflecting usually help. Even when I did step away I was still thinking about the next but I had to really center myself and focus on staying true to myself ๐Ÿ’œ

  3. Comparison is an easy trap to fall into, which is why I take periodic social media breaks, mostly from Instagram since it’s so picture/aesthetic oriented. You’ll never have enough followers/engagement or post pretty enough content as the Joneses, and your life won’t look as glamorous because half of what you see online isn’t real, yet we try to measure up to this standard which isn’t possible because it’s make-believe. Take time for you as much as you need and don’t ever try to fit into a mold. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I appreciate these words “don’t ever try to fit into a mold” I needed to see that. That’s why I told myself I’m going back to the basics and I’m going to do what I want and what has work for me and that’s being my authentic self.

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