Girls Trip: Miami Edition 

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Hi, I'm Tanya!

Ever felt like you’ve been constantly going and life is passing you by? Well that’s how I’ve been feeling recently, unfortunately.  I haven’t had a break since 2017 started to put that into perspective for you, we’re ten months into 2017. It’s so common for us to say we need a break but often times end up not taking one(life always gets the best of us). Anyways let me stop blabbing about my oh so busy life and talk about the break I finally got to take….

In the interest of spending more time, I, well my friend Gigi decided it would be better if we drove to Miami. Anyone that knows me knows I hate to drive, shoot I complain about driving to school and work. Both are literally a 5 minute drive from home lol. Our journey started Wednesday night around midnight when my sister and I picked up Gigi from the airport(she flew in from Chi town). We began our journey on the interstate heading to Florida but before that, we had to stop to get something for my friend Gigi to eat(what a gyal can nyam = she eats a lot). About 20 minutes into our drive, I realized we forgot to whisper a prayer asking for traveling mercies. Gigi said the prayer and started the gospel playlist which would continue for about 2 hours into our drive. If my memory serves me correctly I think the first song was “Now behind the lamb” by Kirk Franklin, we all sang along like the choir girls we are. Next on playlist was “My life is in your hands” another throwback which had me catching the spirit(I live for throwback songs of any genre). Gigi had gospel hits after hits coming through my car speakers.  After we were done our little praise and worship we moved on to dancehall/reggae (I mean we are Island gals). I’m not going to lie, it felt like an eternity before we finally got out of Georgia and entered Florida. The minute we saw the “Welcome to Florida” sign we all exclaimed “finally” (no lie it seemed like Noah had already built the ark twice before we entered Florida lol).

We only had to stop for gas and a bathroom break twice(shout out to Toyota for making the Camry fuel efficient). My two copilot fell asleep on me for about 4 hours (I’m realllllyyy exaggerating here lol) one fell asleep for 30 mins and my sister, well, she damn near slept the entire way lol. The Sun began to rise and we were making way into Miami. However, Miami greeted us with torrential rainfall which at times made it difficult to see but we made it to our destination safe(Hallelujah!) I was extremely proud of myself for driving the entire way (in my mind I’ve done enough driving for the rest of the year).

Our first stop in Miami was by one of my very close friend who I haven’t seen in a few years (we talk on the phone at least every other day). This little reunion was everything and more, it also reminded that I’m still the “crazy” one out of the bunch lol. Her hospitality was amazing, she really made us all feel comfortable. We stayed there until it was time to check into our AirBnB. This was our first time using an AirBnB and the overall experience was AMAZING! The house we were staying was so beautiful (got some ideas for my future house). The best thing about the house were the beds, my gosh the few times we got to take naps made us all felt like we were in heaven. Definitely need to find out what mattress the owner bought cause I need that in my life.

The first event of the Carnival festivities was a Carnival pop up shop where my Friend’s business was one of the participants. This pop up shop showcased the many Caribbean businesses and also allowed us to network among each other. The turn out for this event was fair, I attribute this to the rainy weather. As a friend helping out my friend at this event, I couldn’t help but be proud to see how far they’ve come. Major shout out to Brazen Caribbean, you can check them out on social media.

The next day we picked up our other friend from the airport, had dinner and prep for the night’s festivities. The event we went to was called ‘Big Phat Fish’ it started at 10pm but in true Antiguan fashion we got there about 1am. Parking was tight so ended up having to get valet parking cause I was not about to drive around all night looking for parking.  We got inside after standing in the line for a few minutes and went straight to the bar to get some drinks. We found a nice spot to stand so we could enjoy the show. The vibes was nice and we started to get into our groove, sang along to every song the DJ played and of course moved our waistline (An island gyal waistline is like no other). Before we knew it, there was an announcement saying someone parked in the road and needed to move their vehicle or the party will be over. We all thought whoever the person who parked their car in the road would go and move it, but nope, they didn’t and we found ourselves making our way back to our car as the fire marshals shut the event all the way down. Still salty about that, but for the little time we were there, we had a great time.

The next event which was on Saturday was the popular Jouvert. We played with the troupe called Generation X. The morning started off a little rocky as they were late with providing breakfast for the masqueraders, I mean we cant drink on empty stomachs. Once everything was settled it was smooth sailing from there. The music was hype, there paint and powder in galore, it was just an amazing time. I didn’t get to go home(Antigua) this past summer for our carnival so this was as close as I could get and it was amazing! The next event we went to that night was Socabrainwash with a world renowned DJ, DJ Private Ryan. That was another great event. It was a joy seeing my American friend Nicole dance and prance to soca music, it made my heart happy.

This event pretty much concluded our carnival events. While there were other events that night and the following day, we uses that day to go out for brunch and have a little down time. It was also the day our friend Regina headed back to Jamaica and of course I had to get emotional lol. She contributed to my having and awesome time in Miami.

Monday morning Gigi, Chloe, Nicole and her crew and I headed back to Georgia. We had brunch and began the drive. This time Gigi took over the wheel. I was serious when I said I’ve done enough driving for the rest of the year lol.

All in all this trip was needed. It was the first time in a long time where I didn’t Think too much, I was not stressing, I was at ease. This girls trip taught me that I am indeed blessed to have the friends that I have. It was also a chance for us to catch up and give each other advice and just to motivate each other to be our best selves. These are the people I can be myself with and not worry about being judged. It also made me realize that each friend serves a different purpose in my life, not only the ones that came on the trip but also my other friends. It is very possible to have a group of girls who are all about female empowerment and wanting the best for each other. So contrary to what society says about females not being able to get along etc. I beg to differ.

I truly happy I went on this trip, I needed it. Now it’s back to regular programming, the hustle and grind never stops!


Brazen Caribbean at the Miami carnival pop-up shop



My Girls.


Me rocking Brazen Caribbean Diva Wear costume at jouvert.

Have you ever been on a girls trip or have a group of girlfriends who you absolutely adore? What have you learnt? Let me know!

Comments +

  1. astoldbyali says:

    Nice that you enjoyed yourself so much! Definitely cannot see myself driving for so long tho, lol. Miami carnival is on my list of events to attend. As for a girl’s trip, I’ve never been on one but always wanted to. I did travel with my best friend previously and that was fun, can’t wait to experience more places with her.

  2. Nicole says:

    Great people, good food, glorious time, wish I could turn back time so I could live the moments allover again.

  3. Kerona says:

    So glad you enjoyed yourself hun!!!! I know you must have enjoyed the break!!!

  4. Kee says:

    The woman is Phenomenal. Tanya I love love love reading your blogs. I get a sense of nostalgia every time. I feel like I was there with you ladies. So glad you all had an crazy good time!!! 💃🏾💃🏾😁😁

  5. The whole idea of driving alone would’ve exhausted me. It’s crazy bc I love to drive distances but I hate that work, home, school combo. Lol. I’m glad you went and enjoyed yourself! Always gotta take Me time!

  6. Sounds like you guys had fun! I really need a girl’s trip….I just need a vacation lol!

  7. Alecia Ore says:

    Sounds like such a great time! Spending some much needed time to relax and just have fun is so good for the soul. I can’t wait for my Girls Trip to Jamaica in May. I need a vacation badddd! Lol. Great post!

  8. cierra jackson says:

    So happy you got to live a little, you def need to take more trips.

  9. I am clad you had fun. Yes, one of my girl trips was to Miami too, but that was a long time ago. I remember us sunbathing on South Beach. Eating on Collins Blvd. This year a few of us went to the beach in Delaware, last year we went to the Poconos. Snowtubing was fun. The year prior to that, we went to Virginia beach. I have been to Jamaica with my friends, and many other places. It is a fun and relaxign time.

  10. Kendro says:

    This was like a story in a book lol. Glad you enjoyed yourself. Miami Carnival is on my list of places/events to attend and yes for that 90’s gospel playlist!


  11. Girlllll! That costume is so cute! Lol I love road trips. I still have yet to make it out to Miami 👀

  12. You definitely managed to get through a lot! Lowke/highkey jealous lmao! And your carnival look is cute!!!

  13. vsthomps says:

    Wow. That was quite an adventure!!! Can you believe that although I’ve lived in Florida, I’ve never been to Miami. Yes you are blessed to have the friends you have. Can’t travel with everyone.

  14. Aitza B says:

    I keep saying I’m gonna hit up Miami carnival one year. It swear it’s a rite of passage for black Floridians! Glad you all had an awesome girls trip.

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