Life Update No. 1

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Hi, I'm Tanya!

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about myself on here
I feel like I’ve been posting pics on my Instagram about my different experiences. Still, I haven’t been thorough with most of what I’ve been doing or have done. I’ve seen a few of my favorite bloggers do this thing where they update their readers about their life.  So I decided to take a page out of their book and bring something different to the blog where I’ll give a monthly life update. These posts will contain life updates (school, work, life), books I’ve read recently, TV shows I have been watching, podcasts I’ve been listening and new recipes I’ve tried. It’s also a way to build a tighter relationship with you, my community, and to be more transparent with you outside of my regular blog posts and for us to chit chat.



If you follow me on Instagram, you would know that I’m in my last year of undergrad, and to say I’m excited is an understatement. This semester is a bit overwhelming, but I’m pushing through because I have my eyes on the prize. In more exciting news, I will be graduating next May!!! I’m a senior, and I’m also preparing for grad school, which has been a bit stressful, but I’m taking it one day at a time. I’m still deciding if I’m going to stay at my current school or go elsewhere. I have a few grad school prospects, so I need to narrow it down and get the ball rolling because before you know it, I’ll be walking across the stage at graduation. Also, if you’re in grad school, send your girl some tips, etc. about the application process, personal statement, etc. Be on the lookout for more school life-related posts as well as my grad school journey.


I’m finally finding somewhat of a balance. I’m not there yet, but I found a system that’s working for me right now. I’ve started doing my work in between my class breaks. I wrote a post on a list of things you can do to check it out. Doing this has truly helped, and I like my job again now, which makes going to work easier, so finding the balance between work, school, and life is much better.


In an effort to gain more experience and to be more involved in the community, I decided that I wanted to volunteer more. I grew up being a part of The Girl Guides, where I would volunteer my time weekly in the community. However, I was inspired to volunteer more while on my recent study abroad in Uganda. I got back and delved right into volunteering. I did some research while in Uganda, and I went through every process and signed up with several organizations. I currently volunteer at the Rescue Mission; I’m a Georgia Court Appointed Special Advocate ( CASA Volunteer), a member of the undergrad public health club and. I’m also a part of a research team with one of my professors and colleagues working with local community-based organizations to provide research and applied services community-based participatory research, and cultural competencies to list a few.
Being a Public Health student, I’m excited to get my feet in the door and gain experience. I’ve grown to love the field of Public Health, and I’m happy with the connections I’ve made thus far with other students and those already in the workforce. I’ll be sharing more about my volunteer work on the blog, as well. Let me know if you’d like me to share more.


Reading & Watching

As you should know by now, I love watching TV, that is one form of entertainment for me. The fall TV season is in full effect, and I’m struggling to keep up with some of the shows. I am currently caught up on The Resident, The Good Doctor, 9-1-1, Emergence, A million little things, Law & Order SVU, Chicago Fire, Med, PD. I also love to read but fell off the wagon in recent years. In the last year and a half, I’ve been doing my best to read a book a month. I’ll be sharing my current reading list in an upcoming post. I recently read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, which is an excellent book, and I’m currently reading The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates.

That’s all for now! I’m still deciding if these posts will be Bi-weekly or Monthly, but there will more life updates post. Let me know what you’ve been watching, reading, and listening to in the comments. I want to hear what you’re up to.

Comments +

  1. brianna pereira says:

    This is awesome! Happy to hear that you have found more time for volunteering. Also, I am so glad you read The Alchemist, it really is a great read. Much love x

  2. astoldbyali says:

    Enjoyed this post! Keep it up and happy to hear you found a balance with work 👍🏽

  3. Junique says:

    Happy you are coming to the end of your journey (school wise). Wishing you all the best, may everything you desire be fulfilled with God at the center. Continue to be a shining light to those around you.

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