Blogmas Day 2: Christmas Gift Guide For College Students & Healthcare Professionals

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Hi, I'm Tanya!

Christmas is right around the corner and I’m sure many of you are like me squandering to buy last-minute gifts (procrastination really is my middle name). No worries I’m here to help. I came up with a short list of things you can get the college student and healthcare professional in your life for Christmas. If they’re a little like me in any way, a little will go a long way. I know for me I’m satisfied with a handwritten note, because showing a little appreciation is all we need, after all, school is no joke and working in the healthcare field is no easy feat.

Let me stop blabbing (as if we’re not late already) and get to the list I created. Some of these I don’t own and are on my personal wish list (family, please take note ) but I also think any of these would be ideal for you guys.

OneStarbucks Gift Card: I’m probably the only person in the world who’s not a big fan of Starbucks. It’s not that I’m not a fan but it might be the British in me but I’m more of a tea person. I’m your average tea-loving millennial. Probably the only thing I make sure I get up to make before starting my day. However, this would be an ideal gift, if you happen to be running late or had a really long night you can just grab yourself some Starbucks on the go. Even though we are practicing social distancing, this will be such a thoughtful gift plus it’ll help save your college student some money! This will also be a pick me up for your healthcare professionals who’s been on the frontlines working hard especially this year.


Two–  Stethoscope: Now for the longest while a rose gold Littman stethoscope has been on my wish list but I’ll be honest I haven’t been able to quite fit it into my budget as yet. A really good Stethoscope is NOT cheap! Gifting a stethoscope will surely take the burden off of any future nurse, physician assistant, and doctor. This is a vital instrument to have.  You can find cost-effective stethoscopes on amazon (amazon has EVERYTHING).


Three– White Coat Clip board: I wish someone gave me this the very first time I started nursing school. This is so clutch, it can hold your notes so you won’t have to worry about losing any of your information. And it does help that it contains day to day references you’ll need such as lab values, pain sites and so much more.


Four– Apple Watch  I don’t own an iPhone so this is not an ideal gift for me. However, I know many of you have an iPhone and from what I’ve seen from my different classmates it is such a good thing to have. It comes in so handy, especially with the “no phone during class” or on rotation rule. You’ll have the ability to see who’s calling, check text messages and emails, etc. One day I was in class and one of my classmates said “I need to stand now” I found her statement to be so random and asked her why she thought she needed to stand now and she told me her watch just told her to. I couldn’t help but LOL it was so funny yet amazing at the same time, so it keeps you fit as well. It’s an investment piece but definitely worth it. This watch low-key makes me want to get an iPhone; who am I kidding lol.


Five–  A Good Book I’m an avid reader, in my free time I love to read a good book. Critical Care: A new nurse faces Death, life, and everything in between is a book a nurse practitioner from my country recommended to me so I’m recommending it to you, if This will be a great book for a future nurse as well as a very new nurse.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks  I had to read this book in my Intro to Public Health class and it was in this moment I knew choosing public health was the right decision. If you’re interested  This book recounts learning about an African American woman named Henrietta Lacks who died in 1951 of cervical cancer, but whose cancerous cells became the first immortal human cell line, called Hela Cells.

Six- Healthcare/College Merchandise: This is a shameless plug, I took a leap of faith about two years ago and launched my online store for my blog. This store has merchandise catered for those in the healthcare profession or simply for the everyday working individual and college students. Check it out and gift that special someone in your life or even yourself one of the cool items from my store.


Mariah Draws Things: I started following Mariah earlier this year, and I’ve bought a few things from her Etsy store. She’s a fellow public health professional and sells so many dope merchandise for those in the healthcare field. Be sure to check out her store. You won’t be disappointed, and I can guarantee that the college student or health professional in your life will greatly appreciate a gift from this store.

Seven- A Journal: I write everything down, no matter how big or small. It has been proven that when I write things down, I more than likely will get it done. All jokes aside, I think it’s good to document everything in writing. Almost a year ago, I was put on to The Five Minute Journal. I knew I wanted to journal more, but my schedule was getting the best of me. I decided to give The Five Minute Journal a try, and it’s just like its name, you’re only taking 5 minutes out of your morning and night dedicated to journaling. What I love about this journal is that it helps me to focus on the good things happening in my life, how to live with intention, and to be more mindful. I get excited to wake up and go to bed because I’m eager to write in my journal. Doing this daily has allowed me to come from a place of gratitude and has helped me to set goals, write positive affirmations, and to reflect on my day. This journal also has changed my mindset and taught me that good things do happen daily, you just have to see it, and this happens when you change your way of thinking. I recommend this journal. With classes and work being super busy and stressful, this is perfect for winding down a long day.

I hope this list helps you out as last minute as it is. Please share what’s on your wish list as well as your go-to gifts for your loved ones in the comments below. Let’s talk!

Comments +

  1. mssparkleandglow says:

    great wishlist hun, they do have the android version for your android

  2. This is a perfect Christmas list. Great items for the nursing student.

  3. […] Tanya from allAboutTheScrubLife […]

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